Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a structured therapy that helps to reprocess traumatic or emotionally charged memories. The treatment uses bilateral sensory stimulation to assist the brain in reducing the vivid images, negative beliefs, emotional reaction and intense body sensations associated with these memories or experiences. It is a highly effective and thoroughly studied therapy.
EMDR is different from traditional therapy approaches
EMDR is different from traditional therapy approaches because it does not involve talking at length about difficult experiences. Rather, it uses the brain’s own healing mechanism to reorganize and become unstuck. This is quite reassuring to clients because talking about and revisiting our toughest experiences is what sometimes keeps people away from therapy. Through EMDR, we are able to help the brain resume normal healing and remove the “fight, flight or freeze” response from the experience.
Our therapists have received training that is approved by the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association (EMDRIA)
This means they’ve undergone the most comprehensive training available. We also continue to attend trainings and learn the most up to date strategies to help our clients heal. EMDR is a method proven to help people recover from trauma and PTSD symptoms. Ongoing research shows that EMDR therapy as an effective treatment for disorders such as anxiety, depression, OCD, chronic pain, addictions, and other distressing life experiences.
There Is A Path To Healing
Below is a video provided by EMDRIA to help you understand how EMDR therapy works. We are happy to provide a consultation to determine if EMDR therapy is a good fit for you.