Individual Therapy
Hit a Wall?
Are you tired of trying to figure it all out on your own?
Hitting the same wall, no matter what you do? Somewhere you picked up the belief that you should be able to fix this. You fix everything else, right?
So, you‘ve been reading about it, looking online to find answers for what you’re facing. You’ve found some good information and made some progress, but it’s just not working. So you hit the wall again.
What you don’t talk about
We’re here to tell you that you are not alone. You see, the thing about emotional or mental challenges is that they are the ones people don’t openly talk about.
We don’t wear signs on our chest naming the internal struggles we are facing. So, it feels lonely, secretive and daunting.
But, being human includes facing discomfort, pain, and negative feelings. The belief that one should be able to figure these feelings out alone is what keeps you stuck.
Reach out to someone who understands
Imagine being able to put it all out there to someone who will validate what you are feeling and help you understand it. Imagine a place where you are encouraged to bring the mess.
We all want to be heard and understood. Therapy is exactly that – a place to unload all the thoughts and feelings you’ve been trying to make sense of on your own. A place to slow down, focus on you and really take a look at what’s at play.
Let’s sort it out
We create a space for you where the unpacking happens and clarity emerges. We help you identify the beliefs you hold about yourself and the world that are on auto-pilot, keeping you on the hamster wheel. We will work together to peel back the layers, sift through the feelings, and tweak the things that aren’t working.
We will look at the big picture, too.
Emotional wellness is just one piece of the puzzle. Your lifestyle, what you eat, how you spend your time and energy, all affect your ability to be fully emotionally well.
We will help you understand how all this works together. We will identify habits or patterns that you want to release and use your strengths to optimize your wellness.
Stop struggling and start thriving. You get one life. Let us help you enjoy it more. You’ve got nothing to lose by calling or filling out the form below.